
Crafting the Optimal Digital Marketing Mix for Your Short-Term Rental Brand

Posted on Jul 4, 2024


Imagine you're managing 20 short-term rental listings with an impressive 60% occupancy rate and a $300 Average Daily Rate. On the surface, it's a solid performance in today's competitive market. But here's the kicker: you're spending over $200,000 annually on third-party distribution. That's a significant chunk of your revenue vanishing before it even hits your bank account.

Now, consider this: What if you invested that $200,000 into building your own brand and driving direct bookings? The result could be transformative: the same P&L, but with a far more valuable brand and a significantly stronger balance sheet. As your brand gains strength, you might even see your P&L grow as you attract more high-quality inventory.

Of course, achieving the same distribution results at scale on your own is no small feat. It's not advisable to abandon major platforms entirely. However, it's worth noting that industry giants like Marriott generate 85% of their bookings directly. Even some regional STR managers who predated Airbnb have achieved similar results. The question is: where do you start?

The answer lies in crafting a well-rounded digital marketing strategy that showcases your unique offerings while effectively reaching and resonating with your target audience. In this article, we'll guide you through the complex world of digital marketing for STR brands. We'll help you determine your marketing budget, understand different types of digital channels, and create a marketing mix that drives results.

Whether you're a seasoned STR brand looking to optimize your digital marketing efforts or a newcomer navigating this landscape, this guide is for you. Let's dive in and set your brand on the path to marketing success.

Determining Your Marketing Budget

The first step in crafting your digital marketing strategy is determining how much to invest. To do this effectively, start by benchmarking against businesses of similar size and nature.

Independent hotels, for instance,  typically allocate about 5% of their annual revenue  to marketing. While the STR operating model differs, this comparison provides a valuable frame of reference. For STR brands, we recommend aiming for at least 3% of your annual revenue as a starting point. If you're not investing at this level, you risk falling behind more aggressive competitors.

Now, if you're charging a 15-20% management fee, allocating 3-5% to marketing might seem steep, especially if you're starting from zero. Remember, though, that the main objective of any marketing investment is to increase your RevPAR (Revenue Per Available Room) and, consequently, the yield you're generating for property owners.

Leading STR brands are already addressing this challenge creatively. Some are including direct marketing fees in their property management contracts – a strategic move to fund their marketing efforts. Others are asking property owners to opt-in to specific marketing campaigns at a pro-rata rate. This approach aligns the interests of the brand and the property owners, as both benefit from increased direct bookings.

Remember, a well-funded marketing budget isn't just an expense – it's an investment in the long-term success and value of your STR brand. By allocating sufficient resources to marketing, you're not just driving bookings today; you're building a brand that will attract both guests and property owners in the future.

In the next section, we'll explore a framework for allocating this budget across various marketing channels to maximize your return on investment.

A FrameWork for Budget Allocation

Before diving into specific guest acquisition strategies, it's crucial to address a common question: How should an STR brand balance its budget between owner acquisition and guest marketing efforts?

Some argue that property owners have a higher lifetime value and deserve more focus. However, this perspective overlooks a crucial point: savvy property owners are drawn to STR brands that demonstrate expertise in marketing properties and driving high yields. In fact, a brand's guest marketing prowess is often a decisive factor for owners when choosing a management partner.

Recognizing this, major STR brands heavily invest in guest marketing, knowing that success in this area naturally attracts property owners. With this in mind, we'll focus our discussion on guest acquisition strategies, as they form the foundation of a strong STR brand that appeals to both guests and property owners alike.

When it comes to guest acquisition, it's helpful to analyze available channels through two distinct lenses:

  1. Intent Signal (High vs. Low):
    • High intent signals indicate that a user is actively considering booking a trip. For example, someone searching for "beachfront vacation rentals in Maui" is likely ready to make a booking decision.
    • Low intent signals means you have less visibility on the user’s intent. They might encounter your marketing passively, perhaps while browsing social media, without any immediate plans to travel.
  2. Cost Nature (Ephemeral vs. Long-Term):
    • Ephemeral acquisition channels require continuous investment to maintain visibility and traffic. For instance, when you pause a Google Ads campaign, the flow of potential guests immediately stops.
    • Long-term channels involve an initial investment but continue to yield results over time without ongoing spend. SEO efforts, for example, can continue to drive organic traffic long after the initial optimization work is complete.

By viewing your channels through these lenses, you can create a 2x2 matrix to categorize and prioritize your marketing efforts:

High intent

Low intent







Given the infrequent nature of travel bookings, channels with higher intent signals often deserve more weight in your strategy. A good starting point is an 80:20 split between high and low intent channels (A+C : B+D).

Within your high-intent allocation, consider initially favoring ephemeral channels to drive immediate results while still investing in long-term strategies. A 70:30 mix between ephemeral and long-term channels within the high-intent category (A:C) can provide a balanced approach.

This framework allows you to craft a well-rounded marketing strategy that drives both immediate bookings and long-term brand growth. It enables you to allocate your budget strategically, ensuring you're not overly reliant on any single channel or approach.

Remember, there's no one-size-fits-all solution. While these ratios provide a starting point, don't hesitate to adjust based on your specific assets, goals, target audience, competitive dynamics and market conditions. Regular monitoring and optimization of your channel mix will be crucial in maximizing your return on investment and driving sustainable growth for your STR brand.

In the next section, we'll delve deeper into specific channels within this framework, exploring their pros and cons, and providing actionable insights for each.

Framework For Budget Allocation

An Overview of The Main Acquisition Channels

Now that we have a framework for allocating your marketing budget, let's explore the main acquisition channels available to your STR brand. We'll discuss each channel's unique opportunities and challenges, providing insights to help you make informed decisions about where to invest your resources.

Meta Search

Meta search platforms, like Google Vacation Rental, aggregate accommodation inventory and showcase your listings alongside OTAs and competitors. They're excellent for capturing high-intent traffic from users actively searching for accommodations.

  • Direct access to high-intent travelers
  • Absence of major OTAs reduces competition for direct bookings
  • Google Vacation Rental is still not as widely adopted by consumers 
Best Practices:
  • Focus on maintaining a direct price advantage compared to third-party platforms
  • Ensure your listing content is compelling and up-to-date


Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

SEM involves running pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns on search engines like Google and Bing. It targets users actively searching for keywords related to your STR offering.

  • Immediate visibility for high-intent searches
  • Highly measurable and adjustable
  • Can be expensive and competitive
  • Requires ongoing management and optimization
Best Practices:
  • Focus on long-tail (very specific) searches to avoid direct competition with OTAs
  • Create relevant landing pages for each ad to ensure cohesion between search intent, ad content, and the landing page
  • Continuously optimize your guest booking flow for better conversion rates

How hostAI Helps: Our  hostDistro  product automates this process, managing your SEM campaigns efficiently without requiring deep expertise in search engine marketing.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) 

SEO is the process of optimizing your website and online presence to rank higher in organic search results.

  • Provides long-term, sustainable traffic
  • If done well, it results in high-quality, high-intent visitors
  • Takes time to see results
  • Requires ongoing effort and content creation
Best Practices:
  • Focus on creating helpful, authentic content closely related to your offerings
  • Target search terms with commercial intent, creating relevant landing pages for users to book

How hostAI Helps: Our  hostFront  product automatically generates optimized collection pages around specific topic clusters, helping you rank for long-tail search results.

hostAI generated landing pages highlighting 88 of >400 properties managed by Sojourn that are in the vicinity of Capitol Hill

AI Companion Presence (ChatGPT/Claude)

As AI assistants like ChatGPT and Claude gain popularity, having a presence on these platforms is becoming increasingly important.

  • New, less saturated channel with high growth potential
  • Still an emerging channel with unproven targeting tactics
Best Practices:
  • Create detailed, nuanced content about your offerings at property, collection, and portfolio levels

How hostAI Helps: our  hostWriter  product makes sure your property descriptions are updated regularly to match the changing shape of guest queries throughout the seasons.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is a powerful, direct channel for engaging with past guests, nurturing leads, and driving repeat bookings. It allows you to maintain a connection with your audience and promote your properties in a highly targeted manner.

  • Cost-effective with potentially high ROI
  • Can be directly attributable to bookings using coupon codes
  • Requires building and maintaining a quality email list
  • Can be perceived as spam if not done correctly
  • Deliverability and open rates can be challenging
Best Practices:
  • Segment your email list based on guest preferences, booking history, and behavior
  • Create personalized, value-driven content (e.g., local area guides, property spotlights)
  • Use automation for triggered emails (e.g., post-stay follow-ups, booking anniversaries)
  • A/B test subject lines, content, and send times to improve performance

Social Media Presence

Building a strong social media presence is crucial for engaging with your target audience and showcasing your STR brand's personality.

  • Builds and nurtures your brand awareness
  • Allows for direct engagement with potential guests
  • Can be time-consuming to manage effectively
  • Difficult to directly attribute to bookings
Best Practices:
  • Share compelling visual content that highlights your properties' unique features
  • Engage with your audience through comments, messages, and user-generated content
  • Use platform-specific features (e.g., Instagram Stories, Facebook Live) to increase engagement

Social Media Marketing (PPC)

In addition to organic social media efforts, paid social media advertising allows you to reach a wider audience with more precision.

  • Sophisticated targeting options based on demographics, interests, and behaviors
  • Visual formats ideal for showcasing properties
  • Can be expensive in competitive markets
  • Often more effective for brand awareness than direct bookings
Best Practices:
  • Use high-quality visuals that showcase your properties' unique features
  • Experiment with different ad formats (carousel ads, video ads, etc.)
  • Implement retargeting campaigns to re-engage users who've shown interest

Influencer Marketing

Partnering with influencers and content creators can help you reach new audiences and generate buzz around your STR brand.

  • Provides authentic, third-party endorsement
  • Can reach niche, targeted audiences
  • Results can be unpredictable
  • Can be expensive for top-tier influencers
Best Practices:
  • Choose influencers whose audience aligns with your target market
  • Prioritize engagement rates over follower count
  • Provide clear guidelines but allow creative freedom for authentic content

By understanding the pros and cons of each acquisition channel and how they fit into your overall marketing strategy, you can make informed decisions about where to allocate your budget and efforts. Remember, the key is to find the right mix of channels that aligns with your brand's unique goals and target audience. Dynamics could be different for rural vs urban properties; luxury vs midscale; seasonal vs year-round; or domestic vs regional vs international source markets. 

Measuring Your Marketing Impact

While exploring various marketing channels is crucial, it's equally important to measure the impact of your efforts. Effective measurement allows you to optimize your strategy and ensure a positive return on investment. Key aspects to consider include:

  1. Tracking essential KPIs such as Cost per Acquisition (CPA), Return on Ad Spend (ROAS), and Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)
  2. Understanding different attribution models (e.g., first-click, last-click, multi-touch) and choosing the right one for your brand
  3. Balancing short-term performance metrics with long-term brand building efforts
  4. Implementing a process for continuous optimization based on statistically significant insights 

Measuring marketing impact in the STR market comes with unique challenges, including data noise from inherently low conversion rates and complex buying journeys; attributing bookings to upper-funnel activities and tracking cross-device customer journeys.

We'll explore these measurement topics in depth in an upcoming post, providing you with a comprehensive guide to tracking and optimizing your marketing performance.


Crafting the optimal digital marketing mix for your STR brand is an ongoing process that requires careful planning, execution, and measurement. By understanding the various channels available, tailoring your approach to your specific market, and consistently measuring your results, you can create a strategy that drives both immediate bookings and long-term brand value.

Remember, there's no one-size-fits-all solution. The key is to start with a balanced approach, continually test and learn, and be willing to adapt your strategy as you gather more data and as market conditions change.

As you navigate this complex landscape, consider leveraging AI-powered solutions like those offered by hostAI. Our hostFront and hostDistro products can help you optimize your website, improve your search visibility, and drive more direct bookings through intelligent distribution and marketing.

Take action today and start crafting your optimal digital marketing mix. By investing in the right channels and leveraging the power of AI, you can set your STR brand up for long-term success and growth in an increasingly competitive market.

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