Case Study

Nashville Luxury Rentals Elevate Direct Bookings with hostAI

A boutique property management company operating 40 modern luxury properties in Nashville partnered with hostAI to enhance their direct booking strategy. Utilizing hostFront and hostDistro, they saw their direct booking contribution grow from 8% to 10%.


increase in direct bookings contribution
Nashville Luxury Rentals

Products used


150 properties

United States


The property manager specializes in modern luxury rentals in the vibrant city of Nashville, managing a portfolio of 40 high-end properties. Despite their strong performance on 3rd party platforms, they sought to increase their direct bookings and reduce reliance on OTAs.


The property manager, despite their strong position in the Nashville luxury rental market, grappled with a set of interconnected challenges that hindered their direct bookings potential. Their direct booking contribution was limited to only 8% of total bookings, indicating a high dependency on third-party booking platforms. This reliance not only affected their profit margins but also limited their ability to build direct relationships with guests.

As a boutique operation managing 40 high-end properties, they had limited resources to develop and implement a comprehensive direct booking strategy. This resource constraint made it difficult to compete effectively with larger platforms and establish a strong, independent brand presence in the luxury short-term rental space.


hostAI implemented a targeted strategy to address these challenges:

  1. Website Enhancement with hostFront: Deployed hostFront to revamp the client's website, improving user experience and conversion rates for their luxury property listings.
  2. Strategic Marketing with hostDistro: Utilized hostDistro to create and manage customized ad campaigns, focusing on attracting high-value guests interested in luxury accommodations in Nashville.
  3. Nuanced Positioning: Developed landing pages to highlight the unique aspects of their modern luxury properties, setting them apart in the Nashville market.


After implementing hostAI's solutions, the property manager saw significant improvements. The impact of hostAI's solutions was evident and measurable. The property manager witnessed their direct booking contribution grow from 8% to 10%, representing a 25% increase in their share of direct bookings. This growth not only improved their bottom line by reducing commission fees to third-party platforms but also gave them more control over their guest relationships.

The enhanced website experience and targeted marketing efforts contributed to increased visibility of their luxury offerings in the competitive Nashville market. Moreover, the shift towards direct bookings allowed the property manager to showcase their unique properties more effectively, further differentiating their brand in the luxury rental space.


This case study demonstrates how hostAI's targeted solutions can drive meaningful improvements in direct bookings for specialized property managers. By leveraging hostFront and hostDistro, the Nashville luxury rental company was able to increase their direct booking share, enhance their brand presence, and foster stronger guest relationships. hostAI's platform proves effective for property managers looking to boost their direct bookings and compete more effectively in niche markets, offering a blend of technology and strategy that delivers tangible results.

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